
The Samsara Center for Reincarnation Studies


Sobha Putcha case
 Sobha Putcha Case Evan Michaels Case James McDougal Case


[Under Construction]Case Studies


"All the world continues coming and going in reincarnation."

 Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Charming little Sobha Putcha of Chennai (pictured with Siddi), a girl of 6 born to Ravi and Rhanni Putcha, claims her name is actually Girijha Gupta of Kalpakkam Township, who fell out of the boat and drowned while assisting her husband Siddi with his fishing.  Young Sobha ran away to Kalpakkam and refuses to leave the house of Siddi (now remarried).

Siddi and his current wife have been very patient with Sobha, who struggles with jealousy at the presence of Siddi's new wife. 

A troubled Siddi confirms that Sobha regularly recounts details from his first marriage that only Girijha could have known. 

Sobha's parents have also showed extensive patience with this curious case.  Sobha has recently started her studies in Chennai but her parents deliver her to Kalpakkam Township a weekend a month.  Young Sobha demands to wear jewelry, cosmetics, polish on fingernails and to spoken to as an adult woman

Full details of the Sobha Putcha case will be presented at this year's South Asian Wheel of Life research workshop in Koramangala, India


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