संसार The Samsara Center for Reincarnation Studies
Latest Projects UpdatesSee our press releases page for updates Sobha Putcha case: We are currently conducting follow up sessions on the case of Sobha Putcha of Chennai, a girl of 6 who claims to be the incarnation of Girijha Gupta who drowned while assisting her husband Siddi, while fishing. Young Sobha ran away to Chennai and refuses to leave the house of Siddi (now remarried). Experts from our latest interviews and updates on Sobha's plight are in her case study. Evan Michaels/Cognomina case: We are currently working with, Dr. Fritz Carlton, a colleague at the Department of Personality Studies, University of Königsberg to validate the past live memoir of Evan Michaels titled, The Reincarnationist Papers, and to further investigate the existence of the Cognomina, an underground organization of other individuals remembering past lives. Latest details under case studies. James McDougal Jr. case: James McDougal of Edinburgh, current age 19, claimed at age 15 to remember being a rice farmer from the Tamil Nadu village of Tannil named Anurag Sankar. Records from the village detail a single man named Anurag Shankar, who died a most violent death in 1988, being stabbed in the neck by his younger brother. Our researchers were able to find Anurag's home based on James McDougal's description. Mr. McDougal also has a birthmark on his neck consistent with the late Anurag Shankar's mortal injury. Read our updates to the case and see the photograph in the case studies.
Our MissionWith the grateful assistance of our benefactors, the researchers of the Samsara Institute explores the evidence surrounding documented real life examples of reincarnation and memories of past lives.
ProfileEstablished in 1952 by the late Dr. Siddhartha Raman and Sri Babi Golun, The Samsara Institute for Reincarnation Studies has been at the forefront of documented past life and reincarnation research in Asia and Europe. The Samsara Institute hosts the annual South Asian Wheel of Life research workshop in Koramangala, India (state of Karnataka). We collaborate closely with the University of Virgina (USA), University of Königsberg, Colombo Polytechnic and Hindustani Past Life Research Institute on join research and shared authorship and presentation of case study papers.
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