
The Samsara Center for Reincarnation Studies


Evan Michaels case
 Sobha Putcha Case Evan Michaels Case James McDougal Case


[Under Construction]Case Studies


"All the world continues coming and going in reincarnation."

 Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Dr. Fritz Carlton, a colleague at the Department of Personality Studies University of Königsberg and regular presenter at workshops, is investigating the past live memoir of Evan Michaels titled, The Reincarnationist Papers.  Further, Dr. Carlton and a group of graduate students from the Paranormal Studies department [Königsberg] are investigating the existence of the Cognomina, an underground organization individuals remembering past lives, as claimed in The Reincarnationist Papers. 

The Reincarnationist Papers were reportedly found by travel writer D. Eric Maikranz as three notebooks in an antique store in Rome in the late 1990's.  It wasn't until Mr. Maikranz had the notebooks translated [from Bulgarian] that he discovered them to be a memoir of past lives, detailing the life of Evan Michaels [presumably now deceased] and his remembrances of two previous lives.  Mr. Maikranz has published the translated memoir.  Details at www.thereincarnationistpapers.com

Dr. Carlton and his team have been able to very many facts that Evan Michaels notes in the text such as funerary stones in Georgia (USA) and Bulgaria matching those of the past life memories, many accounts of xenoglossy [from person's known to Mr. Michaels], documents from 1940's Bulgarian legal proceedings verifying details from the first incarnation.  Dr. Carlton is wrapping up research on his paper and is excited to share details at this year's South Asian Wheel of Life workshop.

Perhaps of even greater import is Evan Michaels claim [in the text] to have meet a woman like him with memories beyond her own life, except that her memories continued back beyond the immediately previous life (very rare) and that they formed an unbroken timeline back to the 15th century.  Further, he details how she introduced him to a centuries old underground group of 28 other similar individuals based in Zurich called the Cognomina and that this group maintains contact with each other in each successive incarnation.  If this claim is true and this underground Cognomina exists, the implications to Past Life research everywhere could be profoundly changed. 

Dr. Carlton is expected to join us in Koramangala this year to deliver his findings of the Evan Michaels case will be presented at this year's South Asian Wheel of Life research workshop in Koramangala, India

Dr. Carlton informs us that his research team investigating the Cognomina group are chronicling their research on a new website www.dotheyexist.com and that they will release their findings via a press release.  The release will be detailed on this site as well. 


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